Chapter 4 | Staying organized | 63
• Type in the Find Task box to display only tasks that match
the letter(s) you type.
Capturing data with HP quick pad
Capturing data with HP quick padCapturing data with HP quick pad
Capturing data with HP quick pad
Use HP quick pad to enter all the notes and information
you acquire during your day. Quickly record names,
telephone numbers, and quick notes to yourself. You can
save this information in HP quick pad or create
appointments, tasks, e-mail messages, and even Pocket
Word documents from a single application.
With quick pad, you can check the date and time at a glance,
review your current appointments and tasks, and quickly find a
telephone number or address from your contact list.
Quickly jot notes and reminders or new contact information on
the notepad. Then, save your notes in quick pad or send them to
the appropriate database, such as your Contacts or Tasks list.
To start HP quick pad
· On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to HP
Applications, and tap HP quick pad.
Press the HP quick pad hot key.