Preferences 19
applications 42
Buttons 144
Connection 150
Date and Time 19
Digitizer 147
Formats 147
General 148
Network 150–163
On while charging setting 149
Owner 163
ShortCuts 164
Primary DNS 158
Prioritizing To Do List records 118, 121
Private records
displaying and creating 114–116, 177
lost with forgotten password 113
See also Security
Profiles 140
Punctuation marks
Graffiti writing 28
onscreen keyboard 23
records 45–46
See also Deleting
Range of times in Day view 90
Receipts, recording in Expense 93
Receiving data. See Beaming information
Recharging the handheld 3, 149, 168
Address Book 64
beaming 32–33
choosing categories 46
creating 43
Date Book 78
defined 43
deleting 45, 84
displaying a category of 47
editing 43–44
Expense 92
fonts 55
hiding private 109, 114
lost 177
masking private 109, 114
Memo Pad 99
notes for 54–55
number of 183
private 114–116
purging 45–46
sorting 53–54
To Do List 117
unmasking individual 115
Reminder lists 56
Remote HotSync operations 179–180
applications 60
Desktop software 61
Renaming categories 49
Repeating events
deleting from Date Book 45
scheduling 83
Rescheduling events 81
Resetting handheld
hard reset 169, 175
location of reset button 11, 168
soft reset 168
Restoring data
from a Mac 171
from a Windows computer 170
Saving data 38, 43, 45
Scheduling events 78–81
blank 175
calibrating 15, 147
caring for 167
touching with your finger 10
bar 14
buttons 10
Searching. See Finding
Secondary DNS 158
Security 109–113
changing password 110
deleting password 110
displaying owner’s name 163
forgotten password 113
private records 114–116
setting a password hint 110
unmasking individual records 115