7400B and 7400B Plus Data Module
Other lights
The eight other lights show the RS-232 status information, the status of two options, and
call status information. These lights are red.
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules are equipped with the following jacks:
Port 1 (RS-232-C or -D)
PHONE (to voice terminal) (RJ-45)
LINE (to switch) (RJ-45)
Mounting Options
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules can be desk-mounted as a stand-alone unit.
Color Options
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules are available only in misty cream.
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules support the following test and maintenance features:
Local Loopback and Remote Loopback
Local Loopback Self Test and Remote Loop Self Test
DCP Looparound
Make Busy on Local Loop
The 7400B and 7400B Plus data modules have the following basic features:
DCP mode 2 operation only
Full-duplex, 10-bit start/stop, asynchronous operation
Asynchronous data rates of 0.3, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 kbps
Even, odd, mark, and space parity options