MDC 9000 Cordless Telephone
Height = 3.43 inches
Handset Features
Fixed Feature Buttons
The MDC 9000 has the following eight fixed feature buttons:
CONFERENCE (labeled CONF) button
DROP button
(The DROP button is NOT labeled. It is located in the lower right corner of the LCD
TRANSFER (labeled TRANS) button
HOLD button
FEATURE button (labeled FEAT)
(The FEAT button is not used.)
STATUS (labeled STAT) button
Headset On/Off button
(Handset) ON/OFF button
Outside Line or Intercom/ Programmable Feature Buttons
When labeled with an extension number, these buttons indicate lines used for incoming and out-
going calls (call appearances) and for using the telephone as an intercom; when programmed
and labeled with feature names, these buttons access features (feature buttons). In use, the light
next to that button is lit; when a call is on hold, it winks.
STAT Button
The Status button (labeled STAT) is used to update all handset visuals if pressed when the STAT
indicator appears (the handset is on), and to turn on the display when the handset is off.
(Handset) ON/OFF Button
This button is used for turning the handset on and off. (This button can also turn the headset on
and off.)