7400A Data Module
The 7400A Data Module will not support the following:
Linked operation with associated DCP telephone
Synchronous Data transmission
Asynchronous User Interface (AUI)
DCP Mode 0, 1, 3, and Mode 2/3 adaptive
FCC Registration
No digital phones or data modules are FCC registered. The 7400A data module meets Part 15
Class A requirements and is labeled as such.
7400A Data Module Price Element Codes (PEC)
The 7400A Data Module can be ordered using the following PECs:
7400A Data Module—2171-ADM
Stand-alone Power Supply—21625
7400A Multiple Mounting—21626
Additional Documents
The following documents contain additional information relating to the 7400A Data Module:
7400A Data Module User’s Manual
, 555-020-706
7400A Data Module Installation Guide
, 555-020-708
System 85 Application Notes for External Modem Pooling
, 555-109-005
System 85 Application Notes for Host Access Operation
, 555-109-004
System 75 Application Notes for External Modem Pooling
, 555-209-016
System 75 Application Notes for Host Access Operation
, 555-209-015