Group Paging, 5-16 - 5-17
Hands-Free Answer on Intercom (HFAI), 3-6
specialty 1-4, D-5
using, 3-6
volume controls, 3-3
Hardware, 1-2 - 1-4
Headsets, 1-4, 3-11
Helpline (see Hotline)
HFAI (see Hands-Free Answer on Intercom)
Hold button, 3-2, 5-18
Hold Disconnect Time (#203), 5-19, 6-7
Holding a call, 5-18, 6-7
Hotline, Inside front cover
Hotline phone, 5-14 - 5-15
IC information, Inside front cover, E-3 - E-4
In-Range Out-of-Building (IROB) protectors, 1-4, B-2, C-6,
Indicators, system phone, 3-2
Industry-standard devices (see Standard devices)
Inside call (see Intercom call)
Intercom Auto Dial buttons, 3-4, 5-4 - 5-5
Intercom buttons, 1-3, 3-2
Intercom call, 5-24, 6-5
Intercom status, 3-4
Internal hotline phone, 5-14 - 5-15
IROB (see In-Range Out-of-Building (IROB) protectors)
Joining a call, 5-20
line and extension jacks, C-9
system phones, C-13
Last Number Redial, 3-2, 5-21
Light patterns
description of, 3-4
Intercom Auto Dial button, 3-4
Line buttons, 3-2
Line cords, D-5
Line jacks, 1-2, C-11
Line Ringing, 5-22, 6-4
Line Ringing, Unique (#118), 5-44 - 5-45
Line Selection, Automatic, 5-7 - 5-8
Loudspeaker paging systems, 1-4
Maintenance, D-1
Making a call, 5-23 - 5-24, 6-2
Message light, 3-3
Microphone, 3-3, 3-6
Microphone (Mic) button, 3-3, 3-6
Modems, 4-10 - 4-11, 6-9
Module connector, 1-2, C-4, C-9, D-5
Modules (see System modules)
Monitoring call activity, 5-4
Music Access, 5-25 - 5-26
coupler, B-1, C-16
description, 1-4, 5-27
installing devices, C-16
problem, 6-9
removing, C-16
setting options, 5-27 - 5-28
Music/Tones on Hold (#602), 5-27 - 5-28
Mute, 3-6
Network interface jacks, C-2, C-11
Off Premises Range Extender (OPRE), 1-4, D-5
One-touch transfer (see Auto Dial numbers)
OPRE (see Off Premises Range Extender (OPRE))
Optional equipment (see Auxiliary equipment)
equipment, D-5
reference materials and books, iv
Out-of-building extension requirements, 1-4, B-2, C-6
Outgoing Call Prefix (#402), 5-29
Outgoing Call Restriction (#401), 5-30 - 5-31, 6-3
Outside Auto Dial numbers, 5-4 - 5-5, 5-15
Outside call, making an, 5-23 - 5-24
IN-2 Index