Issue 2 December 1995 10-1
Do not perform any tasks in this chapter until you complete the necessary cut-to-
service tasks in the
chapter of
INTUITY System Software
585-310-140. The installation document explains when you must use
the instructions in this chapter. If you have not performed the tasks in the
installation document, complete the tasks now.
This chapter explains how to administer the switch for the INTUITY system cut-to-
service process. Cutting over an INTUITY system requires you to change the
coverage path used by all subscribers. All INTUITY system initial administration,
switch administration, and acceptance tests must be completed before you cut
the system into service. To perform the cut-to-service process, you must perform
the following
Cutting to service on the NEAX 2400 MCI switch is a phone-based task. A
procedure must be performed at each subscriber telephone to administer the
extension on the switch. Although each telephone only requires administration
once, the process may require a large amount of time if you have a large
subscriber base.
Instead of having the system administrator perform the subscriber telephone
tasks, have each subscriber perform the task. Use an
letter to provide
instructions to the user for performing the tasks. Use the instructions in this
chapter to write the user instructions. Determine the best cut-to-service strategy
in advance and plan a time to administer the subscriber extensions.
When you cut the subscribers into service, all subscribers receive
INTUITY System service. You need to prepare the subscribers and train
the system attendants before you cut to service.