NEC NDA-24311 Answering Machine User Manual

NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 60
NDA-24311, Issue 1
F-21 Flexible Numbering of Stations - PRI
F-21 Flexible Numbering of Stations - PRI
General Description
This feature provides the ability to assign telephone numbers of voice stations and data stations to any corresponding
instrument location, depending solely upon numbering plan limitations.
Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required.
Service Conditions
1. Careful consideration should be given to any numbering assignment, especially in larger systems, to avoid
the unnecessary loss of access codes or duplication of telephone numbers.
2. There is no limit on the number of groups that can be assigned per system.
3. Where TENANT SERVICE [T-12] is provided, telephone numbers cannot be duplicated between tenants.
4. A combination of one, two, three, four and five digit numbering may be used.
a.) 3 1
b.) 3 2 1
c.) 3 2 2 1
Examples a, b, c, can be assigned as three different stations.
5. The system can distinguish the difference.
6. BUSY LAMP FIELD - FLEXIBLE [B-2] service can be provided only when the defining telephone
number digits exceed two.