
Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide Rev C 4 - 9
Using the Modifier Keys
All three keyboards feature the standard PC keyboard modifier keys, Shift (SFT), Alt, and Control (CTRL) as well as Blue and
Red modifier keys.
Name & Key Function
The SFT key modifies only the next key pressed; it must be pressed before each key
you wish to modify. SFT toggles the keyboard between uppercase alphabet mode and
lowercase alphabet mode.
Use SFT toggle Caps Lock on and off by double-tapping it or by pressing SFT + the
Red modifier key. When Caps Lock is toggled on, characters are uppercase; when
toggled off, characters are lowercase.
CTRL and ALT Functions of the ALT and CTRL keys depend on the software application in use and the
keys pressed in combination with each.
Blue and Red The blue and red keys are used in combination with other keys to type special
characters and perform system functions. Each key modifies only the next key pressed.
The overlay of each keyboard is color-coded to indicate the character typed or function
performed when specific keys are pressed immediately after the blue or red modifier