
Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide Rev C 7 - 19
Port Menu
On the main screen, tapping on a port opens a popup menu that allows the port to be enabled or disabled, configured, or deleted.
Port Menu Options
The port menu enables you to use 802.1X authentication, change the port configuration, or remove it from the port list. If there
are no entries in the Port list, follow the advice in the troubleshooting section to resolve the problem.
Configuring the Client
The Client is configured in two separate areas:
1. Client Configuration area - enables you to configure user settings and is accessed from the Client menu.
2. Port Settings area - enables you to configure Network Properties settings for individual wireless networks and is accessed
from the Port menu.
Menu Item Description
Enable and
These commands enable or disable 802.1X authentication on the port. The port should be enabled
before the protocol is started. Enabling a port is not the same as starting it (see Client Menu on page
7-16); however, both actions are required for the Client to work.
Configure Opens the port configuration screen; see Accessing the Client Configuration Area on page 7-20.
Delete Removes an adapter from the port list. An unused port may be deleted from the port list. The radio
card must not be in the device or the radio must be turned off. Ports appear in the list only when the
802.1X protocol binds to the adapter. The protocol binds to the adapter when the adapter is in the
device and the Client software is installed, or Install Protocol is selected from the Client menu (see
Client Menu on page 7-16).