
Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide Rev C 7 - 17
View Menu
To access the View menu, tap View.
The Standard and Advanced Views control the number of columns displayed in the main menu.
Start/Stop Starts or stops 802.1X authentication. After you finish the initial configuration, tap the network
interface and tap Start. If the port is already active, tap Stop first, then Start to force the program
to read the new configuration file.
Restart Same as a Stop followed by Start. Tap this when you receive a notice such as the following:
Configure Opens the Configuration screen displaying the User tab.
Install Protocol Selecting this option binds the 802.1X protocol to the WLAN adapter currently installed on the
device. The WLAN adapter then appears in the port list. For more information about network
adapters, see Network Cards on page 7-24.
Exit Terminates the client, which stops the 802.1X protocol.
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Standard View Displays the Port (adapter name) and State columns. This is the default view.
Advanced View Displays the Port (adapter name), State, Primary Wireless Network, Wireless Network,
and MAC Address of AP columns. Scroll right to see all columns.
Event Log The Event Log is a text file that contains status information from the logging function.
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