9 - 20 Rev C Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
SMS Manager
Abbreviated for Short Message Service, SMS enables the transmission of short messages (140-160 characters) to and from a
cell phone. SMS messages travel over the system's control channel, which is separate from the voice channel.
SMS Manager supports creation, sending, receiving, and storing of SMS text messages. Text messages sent or received can
be up to 160 characters long.
Opening the SMS Manager
You can access the SMS Manager two ways:
1. Tap Start > Programs > uPhone > SMS Manager, OR
2. Open the Dialler (Start > Programs > uPhone > Dialler) and tap Tools > SMS Manager. The SMS Manager opens to the
Inbox, which displays a list of your most recent text messages.
There are three folders: Inbox, Sent, and Outbox. Tap the Inbox folder to see all three folders. The name of the folder appears
in the gray bar just under the title bar.
Note: Click the SMS box to expand and collapse the folders.
The Inbox folder displays received text messages. Received messages have an envelope icon to the left. The Inbox folder also
receives error messages from text messages that could not transmit successfully.
When the Inbox folder is selected, received messages appear in the list.
To Do this…
Open a message Tap on the message and the content of the message appears.
Delete a message Tap and hold on the message. Tap Delete on the popup menu that appears.
Tap here