8 - 6 Rev C Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
2. Tap on the tab for the type of device you would like to set a favorite for. If needed, use the arrow buttons to scroll and find
the tab you need.
Note: Tabs appears only for COM ports you have enabled. To enable a port, refer to the “Assign COM Ports” section earlier in
this chapter.
3. To select a favorite device, select Use the favorite selected above. In the drop-down list, select your device. Tap OK.
4. After setting a device as your favorite, its icon appears in the Bluetooth Devices folder with a heart next to it.
Change Views
You can switch between the Large Icons or Details views for the Bluetooth Devices folder.
1. In Bluetooth Devices, tap on View.
2. In the pop-up menu, choose between Large Icons or Details.
Note: In Details view, you can see the Device Class and scroll right to see the current Bonded status.
Delete a Device From the Folder
If you no longer plan to connect with it, you can delete a device from the Bluetooth Devices folder.
1. If not open, launch the Bluetooth Devices folder.
Large Icons Details