7 - 12 Rev C Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
• TLS/SmartCard
There is a worksheet for each method. The worksheets provide space to record the required Client configuration information to
set up the Client to match specific Extensible Authentication Protocols (EAP). The forms are designed so that hard copies can
be filled out, copied, and distributed.
Complete a worksheet for the authentication method you choose.
MD5 Worksheet
To configure AEGIS Client to use MD5 authentication, you need to know:
1. Will you use your Windows user name and password for network authentication? (Applies only to Windows clients.)
2. If not, what is your unique user name/password combination?
If a second set of credentials is required, you need to know the exact user name and password. These are typically case-
User name: _______________________________________
Password: ________________________________________
LEAP Worksheet
To configure AEGIS Client to use LEAP authentication, you need to know:
1. Will you use your Windows user name and password for network authentication? (Applies only to Windows clients.)
2. If not, what is your unique user name/password combination?
If a second set of credentials is required, you need to know the exact user name and password. These are typically case-
User name: _______________________________________
Password: ________________________________________
TLS/SmartCard Worksheet
To configure AEGIS Client to use TLS/SmartCard authentication, you need to know:
1. Is a client certificate required?
____ No.
____ Yes. This file needs to be installed on your machine by your network administrator.
2. Should the AEGIS Client validate the server certificate chain?
____ No. Skip Questions 3-4.
____ Yes.
3. Will the server accept any trusted Certificate Authority (CA), or is a particular CA required?
____ Any trusted CA is acceptable.
____ A particular CA is required:________________________
4. Are intermediate certificates allowed?