
A - 8 Rev C Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
SFT Key Combinations
Com Port Assignment Table
Key Combination Function/Special Character
SFT + 1 !
SFT + 2 @
SFT + 3 #
SFT + 4 $
SFT + 5 %
SFT + 6 ^
SFT + 7 &
SFT + 8 *
SFT + 9 (
SFT + 0 )
SFT +. >
SFT +, <
Com Port Assignment
Com Port 1 Serial port. This is the 17-pin connector on the bottom panel of Dolphin terminals.
Com Port 2 Bluetooth Module
If there is no Bluetooth hardware installed on the terminal, this com port is unassigned.
Com Port 3 Raw Infrared
Com Port 4
Com Port 5 USB virtual serial port
Com Port 6 IrDA, if IrDA is enabled.
If IrDA is disabled, this com port becomes available. See Verify That the IrDA Port is
Enabled on page 6-5.
Com Ports 7-9 Unassigned.
These are available for selection only when connecting to devices that use virtual com
ports, such as Bluetooth.