4 - 4 Rev C Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide
Using the Image Engine
The Dolphin terminal houses a compact image engine that instantly reads popular 1D and 2D bar codes and supports omni-
directional aiming and decoding for greater flexibility in real-world settings. The image engine can also capture digital images,
such as signatures and pictures of damaged inventory.
For more information about the Dolphin 9500 and Dolphin 9550, see Image Engine Options and Specifications on page 2-5.
For more information about the Dolphin 9501 and Dolphin 9551, see Laser Engine Specifications on page 11-1.
The terminal supports two types of image decoding for use in various bar code reading and imaging applications: full-area
imaging and Advanced Linear Decoding (ALD).
Full-Area Imaging Full-area imaging provides omni-directional reading of linear and non-linear 1D and 2D bar codes,
OCR, signature capture, and picture taking. When reading all bar code types using full-area imaging,
a positive read can be obtained from many positions; see Dolphin 9500/9550 Scanning Position
Options on page 4-5. To achieve the best read, the aiming beam should be centered horizontally
across the bar code.
ALD ALD provides fast reading of linear and stacked linear bar codes. To achieve a positive read when
reading linear 1D and PDF417 bar codes, the green aiming beam should be centered horizontally
across the bar code. When ALD is enabled, the reader does not read matrix or postal codes.
To Decode a Bar Code
1. Point the Dolphin terminal directly at the bar code. The imager faces straight out the top panel.
The aiming beam should be oriented in line with the bar code to achieve optimal decoding. A range of 4-10 inches (10-25
cm) from the bar code is recommended.
2. Project the aiming beam or pattern by pressing and holding the SCAN key.
On the Dolphin 9550 and the Dolphin 9551, you can also press the Scan Trigger, page 3-6.
3. The scan LED lights red.
4. Center the aiming beam over the bar code; see Dolphin 9500/9550 Scanning Position Options on page 4-5.
5. When the bar code is successfully decoded, the decode LED lights green and the terminal beeps.
6. The bar code information is entered into the application in use.
The following table contains the available imaging/decoding options for each Dolphin 9500 Series terminal:
Terminal 1D 2D Image
Aiming Omni-Directional
Engine Options
Dolphin 9500 Y Y Y Green aiming beam or
Red High-Vis aiming
Y 5100SR
Dolphin 9550 YYY Y
Dolphin 9501 Y N N Long-range laser aimer N SE1200HP
Dolphin 9551 YNN N
Scan LEDDecode LED