Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 4 Operating the BTS
Using ERAC Commands
These are standard commands and their parameters. Several are associated with BTS tables. However,
several parameters are derived from multiple sources and do not map directly to a table. They may have
real database representation but be modified for ease of use or readability.
Tasks Descriptions Examples
account IDs
An account id can be assigned to one or more
subscribers. An account id is used only for
identification purposes. The account id is not
associated with feature grouping behavior
during call processing. The account id is
included in billing record. This is for
operational identification purpose only.
This is an optional field of 1-20 text
Viewing DNs The DN is the telephone number. This number
is a derived value composed of the
office-code.ndc, office-code.ec and the
dn2subscriber.dn fields. It is a concatenation
to provide a consistent view of the primary
directory number for a subscriber. It is 1-14
show 4692550529
Viewing DNs
by subscriber
This command returns a list of all DNs
associated with a specified subscriber or
account id. In this command, the subscriber id
field or the new account-id field determines
the DN(s) to list. Each row of data represents
a DN entry. The additional data is supplied to
provide further information about the DN.
show sub-dn-list
Viewing line
features by DN
This command returns a list of all features
associated with a specified DN. In this
command the DN is supplied to qualify the
data search.
The data returned is not in the form of
services and service packages. This query
dips into the service packages and finds the
actual features associated with each service
assigned to the DN and its subscriber.
show dn-line-feat
Viewing feature
summaries by
This command returns the list of all features
associated with a specified entity. In this
command the DN, Subscriber ID or Account
ID is supplied to qualify the data search. The
command returns the list of all the services of
the associated subscriber or DN and all
features associated with each specific service
package. This also includes the service
profiles association.
show dn-feat-list