Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
SCCP Protocol Measurements
Table 6-18 SCCP Measurements
(* = rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)
SCCP_ NSAP_OOS_GRANT_TX Subsystem out-of-service grant messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_ NSAP_OOS_REQ_TX Subsystem out-of-service request messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_ NSAP_PROHIBIT_TX Subsystem prohibited messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_ NSAP_STAT_TEST_TX Subsystem status test messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_HOP_measurement_FAIL Routing errors due to a hop measurement violation on the reporting FS.
SCCP_MSG_TX_BACKUP_SUBSYS Messages sent to a backup subsystem on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NETWORK_CONGEST_FAIL Routing errors due to network congestion on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NETWORK_FAIL Routing errors due to a network failure from the point code being unavailable
on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NO_TRANS_ADDR_FAIL Routing errors due to no translation for address of such nature on the reporting
SCCP_NO_TRANS_SPEC_ADDR_FAIL Routing errors due to no translation for this specific address on the reporting
SCCP_NSAP_ALLOW_MSG_RX Subsystem allowed messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_ALLOW_MSG_TX Subsystem allowed messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_CONGEST_RX Subsystem congested messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_CONGEST_TX Subsystem congested messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_OOS_GRANT_RX Subsystem out-of-service grant messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_OOS_REQ_RX Subsystem out-of-service request messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_PROHIBIT_RX Subsystem prohibited messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_NSAP_STAT_TEST_RX Subsystem status test messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_SUBSYS_CONGEST_FAIL Routing errors due to subsystem congestion on the reporting FS.
SCCP_SUBSYS_FAIL Routing errors due to a subsystem failure on the reporting FS.
SCCP_SUBSYS_OOS_REQ_DENY Subsystem out-of-service requests denied on the reporting FS.
SCCP_SUBSYS_OOS_REQ_GRANT Subsystem out-of-service requests granted on the reporting FS.
SCCP_SYNTAX_ERR Syntax errors on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_CLASS_0_RX Class 0 messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_CLASS_0_TX Class 0 messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_CLASS_1_RX Class 1 messages received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_CLASS_1_TX Class 1 messages sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_EXT_UDATA_RX Extended unit data received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_EXT_UDATA_SVC_RX Extended unit data service received on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_EXT_UDATA_SVC_TX Extended unit data service sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_EXT_UDATA_TX Extended unit data sent on the reporting FS.
SCCP_TOTAL_GLOBAL_ADDR_TRAN Messages requiring global address translation on the reporting FS.