Panasonic KX-UTG200 Telephone User Manual

Default Value Not applicable.
IP Address Mode
Description Indicates whether the unit uses IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, or
both (reference only).
Value Range
Dual stack
IPv4 only
IPv6 only
Default Value Dual stack
Connection Mode
Description Indicates whether the IP address of the unit is assigned automatically
(DHCP) or manually (static) (reference only).
Value Range
Default Value Not applicable.
IP Address
Description Indicates the IP address currently assigned to the unit (reference only).
Value Range IP address
Default Value Current IP address
Subnet Mask
Description Indicates the specified subnet mask for the unit (reference only).
Value Range Subnet mask
Default Value Current subnet mask
Default Gateway
Description Indicates the specified IP address of the default gateway for the network
(reference only).
If the default gateway address is not specified, this field will be
left blank.
Value Range IP address of the default gateway
76 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
4.2.2 Network Status