4. You can close from the Web user interface at any time by clicking [Web Port Close].
• You can log out from the Web user interface at any time by clicking [Web Logout].
Controls on the Window
The Web user interface window contains various controls for navigating and configuring settings. The following
figure shows the controls that are displayed on the [Basic Network Settings] screen as an example:
• The screen shots shown are taken from the Web user interface of the KX-UTG300 (or, in some cases,
KX-UTG200), so the model name may differ from that shown on your PC.
• Actual default values may vary depending on your phone system dealer.
Tabs are the top categories for classifying settings. When you click a tab, the corresponding menu items
and the configuration screen of the first menu item appear. There are 8 tabs for the Administrator account
and 7 tabs for the User account. For details about the account types, see Access Levels (IDs and
Passwords) in this section.
The menu displays the sub-categories of the selected tab.
The following standard buttons are displayed in the Web user interface:
Web Logout Logs out of the Web port.
Web Port Close Closes the Web port of the unit after a confirmation message is displayed.
Applies changes and displays a result message (® see Result Messages in
this section).
Cancel Discards changes. The settings on the current screen will return to the values
they had before being changed.
Refresh Updates the status information displayed on the screen. This button is
displayed in the upper-right area of the [Network Status] and [VoIP Status]
30 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
1.1.5 Web User Interface Programming