Setting up a phone connection
4. Tap the Phone Connection box.
The Connection Setup screen appears.
5. Tap the Manufacturer pick list and select your phone’s manufacturer.
6. Tap the Model pick list and select your phone model.
If your phone model does not appear on the list, you either need to download
and install a driver for your phone (see “Updating the phone files on your
handheld” later in this chapter) or your phone is not supported at this time.
7. Tap N ext.
8. Tap the Via pick list and select the method you want to use to connect:
Bluetooth, Infrared, or Cable.
The Via pick list options will vary based on the phone model.
9. Tap Next.
10. If you selected Infrared or Cable in step 8, skip to “Configuring network service
settings for your phone” later in this chapter. If you selected Bluetooth in step
8, complete the steps in the procedure that follows.