Cutting and copying text from an e-mail message for use in other applications
Cutting and copying text from an e-mail message for use
in other applications
You can copy any text from an e-mail message, either from one you have composed
or have read or from an attachment you have downloaded and opened (such as a
Word doc), for use elsewhere in the VersaMail application or in another
application. Text you can select and copy includes:
■ A name
■ An e-mail address
■ Body text of an e-mail message or a downloaded attachment
To copy and paste text from an e-mail message:
1. Select the text by dragging the stylus over it.
2. Tap the Menu icon .
3. Tap Edit and select Copy.
To paste the text elsewhere in the VersaMail application or in another application:
1. Go to the new location, and tap the Menu icon .
2. Tap Edit and select Paste.
You can also cut or copy text from a Word document that you download as an
attachment and view on your handheld. You can then paste this text in another
part of the same Word document, in another Word document, or in another
application on your handheld.
Disconnect on
Disconnects the connection to your e-mail service provider
only after you leave the VersaMail application. This feature
is an alternative to Auto-Disconnect. This option keeps your
connection active while you perform multiple transactions
in the VersaMail application, but automatically disconnects
when you move on to a different application on your
handheld. If this option is not selected, you must manually
disconnect from your ISP.
Modem Wait
Displays the number of seconds that the modem uses to
initialize itself. If you have a modem, tap and enter a number
of seconds for the wait. The typical setting for a wireless
modem is 3, and the typical setting for most normal modems
is 0.