Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
A-36 41-001160-03, Rev 00, Release 2.4
IP Phone Administrator Guide
https validate hostnames
Check Certificate
(in Web UI)
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
IP Phone UI Options->Administrator Menu->
Configuration Server->HTTPS Settings->
Cert Validation->Check Hostnames
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->HTTPS Settings
Description Enables or disables the HTTPS validation of hostnames on the phone.
Format Boolean
Default Value 1 (enabled)
Range 0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)
Example https validate hostnames: 0
https user certificates
Trusted Certificates
(in Web UI)
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->HTTPS Settings
Description Specifies a file name for a .PEM file located on the configuration server. This
file contains the User-provided certificates in PEM format. These certificates
are used to validate peer certificates.
Note: You must disable the “https validate certificates” parameter in order
for the phone to accept the User-provided certificates.
Format Alphanumeric string in the format <filename.pem>
Default Value Not applicable
Range Not applicable
Example https user certificates: trustedCerts.pem