Softkey/Programmable Key/Feature Key/Expansion Module Key Parameters
A-230 41-001160-03, Rev 00, Release 2.4
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Enabling/Disabling Ability to Add/Edit Speeddial Keys
BLF List URI Settings
Parameter –
speeddial edit
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Allows you to enable or disable the ability to add a speeddial key or edit
a speeddial key.
The default is enabled (Yes) allowing you to create and edit speeddial
keys on the phone using the Press-and-hold feature, softkeys,
programmable keys, expansion module keys and key pad, speeddial
menu in the IP Phone UI, and the SAVE TO key.
If this parameter is set to disabled (No), it blocks the user from using
any of the features on the phone to create or edit a speeddial key.
Format Boolean
Default Value 1 (Enabled)
Range 0 (Disabled)
1 (Enabled)
Example speeddial edit: 0
list uri
(in Web UI)
Aastra Web UI Operation->Softkeys and XML->Services
Operation->Programmable Keys->Services
Operation->Expansion Module Keys->Services
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the URI that the phone uses to access the BLF list on the Broadsoft
server when the BLF list key is pressed. When you specify a URI for this
parameter, the phone uses the Internet to access the BLF list on the
Broadsoft server.
Format HTTP server path or Fully Qualified Domain Name
Default Value Not Applicable
Range Not Applicable
Example list uri: my6757i-blf-list@as.broadworks.com