Creating an XML Application
41-001160-03, Rev 00, Release 2.4 F-21
XML Example:
The following is an example of using the AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen
object with a static line at the top and bottom blocks and 2 scrolling lines in the
middle block.
<Line Size="double" Align="left">A line of static text</Line>
<Scroll Height=2>
<Line Size="normal" Align="right"> Scrolling text</Line>
<Line>Another line of Scrolling Text</Line>
<Line>Yet another scrolling line</Line>
<Line>Some static footer text</Line>
XML Screen Examples:
IP Phones 9480i, 9480i CT, 6755i, 6757i, and 6757i CT
IP Phone 9143i, 6751i, 6753i
A line of static text
This block can scroll
using the down arrow
on the navigation keys.
A line of static text
A line of static text
This block can scroll