WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual 245
Chapter 6: Settings
Tools Menu
To activate the automatic connection mode:
• Tap on the OK button.
While automatic connection mode is enabled, the Connect Data button in the main
Wireless LAN dialog box changes to Disable Auto.
To close the currently active connection (if any) and disable the automatic
connection mode:
• Tap on Disable Auto
Important: Automatic connection mode should not be used if applications
other than the Wireless WAN user interface (e.g. Connection
Manager) are expected to open and close connections.
If the automatic connection mode is enabled and another applica-
tion closes the packet data connection, the WWAN user interface
will immediately try to re-establish the connection.
Use Virtual Serial Port
If Use virtual serial port is enabled, packet data connections are established through
the virtual serial port of the WWAN driver rather than through the WWAN driver
directly. This checkbox should only be checked if certain third-party VPN (Virtual
Private Network) clients are used that do not work correctly otherwise. The default
setting is disabled (unchecked).
Note: The connection setup takes longer through the virtual serial port.
Enable Automatic Configuration
In most cases, the data connection is configured automatically and no user
interaction is required. This is true even if multiple SIM cards from different
operators are used with the same device. The connection parameters are adjusted
automatically when a new SIM card is detected (this may require a reset). The
connection parameters are retrieved from a database.
Manual configuration should be necessary only if:
• One or more parameters in the database are incorrect or a new operator is
not yet in the database. (The database should be corrected for subsequent
software releases.)
• An operator has assigned individual packet data user names and passwords.
• A very large site has their own APN. Such connections always have to be
configured manually.