Palm TX PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

T|X Handheld 655
passwords 497, 498
low batteries 5, 606
low battery 32
lowercase letters 53
Mac information
creating contacts 147
creating notes 262
creating user profiles 13
displaying tasks 246
entering information 115
handheld system requirements 3
importing 119
installing applications 75, 112
installing extra software from CD 25
installing handheld software 7, 121
opening calendars 184
synchronizing handheld 75, 82, 104, 108
synchronizing with user profiles 16
transferring MP3 files to handheld 219
troubleshooting problems 605
turning off IR port 83
writing memos 253
mail folders 358, 360
mail See email
mail servers 308, 318, 327
Mail Service pick list 326, 398
maintenance information 596
Make Default check box 110
Manual synchronization option 103
manually locking device 498, 501
marking information as private 490
marking message status
masking private entries 489, 491, 492
math calculators 24
Maximum Message Size option 321, 344
MCI connections 571
Media application
adding photo to contact 131
backing up information in 27
benefits of 190
companion applications for 28
displaying photos or videos 192
organizing photos and videos 201
overview 190
related topics for 212
transferring information to 77
Media icon 24, 619
media player See Windows Media Player
meeting invitations 405
memory 124, 608
freeing 447
purging calendar events 170
memory button (Calculator) 484
memory cards 594
memory clear button (Calculator) 484
memory recall button (Calculator) 484
See also notes; Memos application
adding contact information to 138, 249
backing up 27
creating 249
deleting 252
editing 250, 251
keeping private 489, 490
organizing 251, 512
saving 249, 252
selecting 40
sending as attachments 254
transferring to PCs 251
Memos application
categorizing information in 512
getting help with 253
importing information for 117
marking entries as private 490
opening 23, 249, 250, 251, 252
overview 248
related topics for 254
reordering memos lists 251
selecting memos 250
synchronizing information for 76, 112
transferring information to 66
troubleshooting 254, 619
writing memos with 249
Memos files 117
Memos icon 23
Memos list 249, 250, 251
menu bar 42
Menu icon 610
menu shortcuts 43
menus 41, 42
icon on status bar 29
Message text option 364
See also email; text messages
connection types for 287
displaying unread 171, 180
downloading large 372, 374
receiving 211, 287, 411
removing confirmation 261
sending plain text 321
setting alarms for 529
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets