T|X Handheld 641
alarm tones 165, 183, 245, 258, 529
See also alerts; reminders
adjusting volume 529, 557
attaching to notes 258
changing 166
changing sounds for 258
entering preferences for 182, 183, 235
icon on status bar 29
responding to world clock 529
selecting sounds for 165, 183, 245, 529
setting 165, 235, 259, 528
specifying duration of 183
turning off 529
arranging photos in 203, 205
creating 201
moving photos in 203
moving photos to other 204
moving videos in 203
scrolling through 199
alert options 339
alerts 5, 32
See also alarms; reminders
Auto Sync notifications and 338, 340
icon on status bar 29
text messages and 414
Alerts screen 339
aligning the screen 556
All category 513
Allow wakeup command 303
alphabet (Graffiti 2 writing) 54
alternate stroke shapes 552
anniversaries 152, 154
annual events 154
annual tasks 237, 239
application buttons See quick buttons
application buttons, location of 20
application controls 34
application files 75, 76
application groups 515, 518
application icons 536, 609
application title 42
See also specific built-in application
accessing 609
adding 111, 120
adding contact information to 138, 148
adding files for 73
assigning to buttons 543
beaming 468–469
categorizing 512, 517
categorizing information in 515
checking version numbers for
122, 123
copying 111, 469, 593
creating plug-in 579
customizing 108
deleting 124, 594
displaying 518, 536
displaying categories in 518
displaying information about 17, 122
downloading files to 433
exchanging 595
finding information in 44
importing information from external
incompatible 628
installation prerequisites for 122
installing 23, 73, 111, 589
marking private entries in 490
moving around in 34
not finding 24, 609
opening 113, 115, 543, 589
organizing 45, 512
related topics for 45
removing categories in 514
removing connections for 564
renaming categories 513
restoring archived files for 127
selecting for synchronization 98
setting preferences for 541, 545
setting primary location for 521
setting secondary locations for 524
setting synchronization options for 106,
soft resets and 607
specifying connections for 561
switching between 10, 36, 589, 613
synchronizing 76, 79, 106, 615
synchronizing information for 76, 112
transferring to handheld 27, 76
uninstalling 608
updating information for 106
updating third-party 8
upgrading 122
Applications View
displaying icons on 609
moving around in 39
opening applications in 36
setting display options for 536
using 36
See also Calendar application; events
adding to calendar 150
adjusting for location 545