T|X Handheld 648
Delete Event command 168
Delete Event dialog box 168
Delete From pick list 125
Delete icon 43
Delete Item command 478
Delete Memo command 252
Delete Memo dialog box 252
Delete messages on server option 388
Delete Note command 261
Delete Old Messages dialog box 366
Delete Task command 242
Delete Task dialog box 242
ActiveSync accounts 408
applications 124, 594
appointments 168
bookmarks 430
categories 514
connections 561, 564
contacts 139
desktop software 7
email 365, 366, 368, 388
email accounts 332
email filters 385
events 168–170, 514
expense items 477, 479
files from handheld 127
Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 555
information 70
, 127, 498, 594, 608
locations 527
mail folders 360
memos 252
notes 261
Palm Desktop software 125
passwords 497
photos from album 202
playlists 228
private entries 497
saved web pages 430
service profiles 575
songs 227
tasks 242–243
video from album 202
description fields 150, 151
Desktop overwrites handheld option 107,
desktop software
See also Palm Desktop software
archiving information in 127
overwriting information in 107, 109
removing old 7
updating handheld from 107, 109
desktop software, installing 23
Details dialog box 515, 567, 573
ESD and 638
device name cache 302
Device name field 289
device names 302, 303, 558
Device pick list 122
devices 80, 265, 288, 561
devices. See also Bluetooth devices
device-to-device networking 266
Dial prefix check box 571
Dialer application
benefits of 452
dialing from 453, 454
related topics for 459
troubleshooting 459
Dialer icon 453
Dialer keypad 453
dial-in connections 562
dial-in servers 569, 570, 572
dialing 453, 454, 455, 457
dialing in to networks 95, 562
dialing preferences 566
Dialing setting (connections) 566
dialog boxes 40
dial-up accounts 294, 296
dial-up connections 566, 569
dictionaries 586
digitizer (defined) 556
Disable Auto Complete check box 442
Disable Cookies check box 445
Disable device name cache command 302
Disable Images check box 441
Disable JavaScript check box 450
Disconnect on Exit option 387
disconnecting sync cable 81
disconnecting USB sync cable 612
Discover your device screen 120
Discoverable pick list 289
Discoverable setting 270, 278, 288, 289, 299
discovering Bluetooth devices 288, 299, 302
Discovery icon 299
Discovery Results screen 288, 300
disk space requirements 3
Display Name option 364
display options (web pages) 426
Display Options command 179, 533, 536
Display Options dialog box
Applications View 536
calendar 179
clock 530
Favorites View 533