T|X Handheld 640
! (exclamation point) in Tasks list 245
* (asterisk) characters 130
. (period) character 552
128-bit AES encryption 307
12-hour clock See clock
12-hour formats 550
24-hour clock 548, 549
24-hour formats 549, 550
5-way navigator 41
location 20
scrolling application categories 36
using 37
ABA files 117
abbreviations 554
AC charger 31, 606, 607
accented characters 58
access points (WI-Fi) 265, 274
email accounts 25, 292
information 37
accessories 586, 596
Account Setup command 325
Account Setup screen
accessing 325
deleting accounts and 332
editing accounts and 331
ESMTP authentication and 333
setting up email accounts from 398
accessing email 287, 307
Auto Sync and 336
caution for synchronizing and 311
deleting email 332
deleting Microsoft Exchange
ActiveSync 408
editing email 330, 331
instant messenger and 134
logging in to Internet 436
setting up email 307, 314, 395, 398
setting up Microsoft Exchange
ActiveSync 395–401
transferring settings to 312
updating information and 408
upgrading email 306
action bar (web browser) 421, 425
actions (pen stroke) 544
Add Bookmark command 428
Add Contact dialog box 346
bookmarks 422, 428
contacts 66, 130, 133, 346
daily events 150
expense items 472, 474, 475
locations 525
multiday events 157
owner information 558
passwords 492, 493, 498
personal signatures 352
plug-in applications 579
reminders 132, 255
repeating events 154, 155
songs to playlists 227
speed-dial entries 456
tasks 234, 236, 238
trusted devices 299
unscheduled events 153
untimed events
152, 157
Addit software 26
additional software 120
add-on applications 124, 628
address fields 134, 422
Address Lookup screen 351
addresses 21, 131, 346, 574
See also contacts
email 142, 145, 349, 350, 351, 554
text messages 412
alarm volume 529, 557
brightness 538
modem volume 566
speaker volume 557
Adobe Acrobat Reader 24
AES encryption 307
agenda lists 149
See also Calendar application
Agenda View
customizing Tasks lists and 244
described 171
opening 171, 521
setting display options for 178, 180
Agenda View icon 171, 521
Alarm check box
165, 235
alarm clock 165, 235, 520, 528
See also alarms; clock
alarm icons 173
Alarm Preferences command 529
Alarm Preset settings 183
Alarm Sound pick list 258, 557