T|X Handheld 646
wireless technology for 264
connections. See Bluetooth; Wi-Fi
conserving power 5, 32, 559, 606
Contact Details dialog box 140
Contact Edit screen 133, 135
contacting service providers 294
See also Contacts application
adding 66, 130, 133, 346
archiving 139
categorizing 140, 512, 515
copying information for 131, 133, 137
customizing details for 140
deleting 139
displaying information for 135, 140
duplicating information for 133, 137
entering from Outlook 10, 613
entering in memos 249
entering notes for 133
keeping private 140, 489, 490
locating 138
managing 129
saving 132, 139
transferring from other applications 148
Contacts application
adding contact information 130–132
addressing email from 351
archiving information in 139, 242
beaming from 466
benefits of 129
categorizing information in 512, 515
creating business cards 136
customizing fields in 135
displaying additional fields for 133
duplicating information 137
importing information for 117, 148
marking entries as private 490
opening 23, 130
related topics for 148
saving information in 132, 139
searching from 138
selecting field types for 134
setting display options for 141
synchronizing information for 76, 112
transferring information from 66
troubleshooting 148
viewing online help for 147
Contacts files 117
Contacts icon 23
Contacts list 140
continuous events. See repeating events
locating 45
controls, handheld 19
cookies 445, 447
Copy command 69, 593
Copy dialog box 593
Copy icon 43
applications 111, 469, 593
calculations 485
contacts 131, 133, 137
information 69
photos 208, 210, 469
service profiles 570
videos 210, 469
copying and pasting 69
copy-protected applications 593
corporate email accounts 265, 308, 309
country information 550
connecting to 8
displaying primary settings for 100
entering network information for 96
overwriting information on 107, 109
preinstalled software for 23
removing Palm Desktop software 125
synchronization options for 102,
synchronizing with 75
Cradle/Cable setting 566
appointments 150
backups 73
bookmarks 422, 428
business cards 136
categories 512
company-specific information 11
connections 564, 566
contacts 66, 130, 133, 346
daily events 150
email messages 348
filters 381
login scripts 576
mail folders 360
memos 249
multiday events 157
notes 256
owner information 558
passwords 492, 493, 498
personal signatures 352
photo albums 201
playlists 223
plug-in applications 579