Using the Other 5230 Applications
Revision B 43
To view a caller’s Contact information
1. Select a call.
2. In the Messages menu, select View Contact….
3. The Contacts detail window for that caller is displayed.
4. To return to the Visual Voice Mail application, tap OK.
To save or delete a voice mail
1. Select the call you want to save or delete.
2. In the Messages menu, select Save or Delete.
To return a call
1. Select the call you want to return.
2. In the Messages menu, select Dial…. The call is dialed (see “Dial by Contacts” on
page 35 for more information).
Note: If a name in your Visual Voice Mail list does not match exactly that person’s
name in your Contacts, you will not be able to view Contact information for that person
(for example, if your Visual Voice Mail list shows J. Mohammad, and your Contact for
him shows Joe Mohammad, you will not be able to see his Contact information from
your Call History).