Multi-Tech Systems iCell GPRS (MTSMC-G2-IP Wireless Office Headset User Manual

Part 3 AT Commands Wi-Fi Devices Chapter 13 – WLAN AT Commands for the SocketWireless Wi-Fi
Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide (Document S000457K) 70
#WEP128KEY Keys for WEP128 Security Mode
Description: Sets keys for WEP128 Security mode.
Note: The module must be reset to put the command into effect.
Syntax: AT#WEP128KEYn ="<value>"
AT#WEP128KEYn? Read or display the current setting.
Values: ASCII text string of 26 hexadecimal characters; valid characters include: 0-9, a-f or A-F
Default: 12345678901234567890123456
#WPAPSKKEY Keys for WPA PSK Security Mode
Description: Sets keys for WPA PSK security mode.
Syntax: AT# WPAPSKKEYn ="<value>" n=1-4
AT# WPAPSKKEYn? Read or display the current setting.
Values: ASCII text string of 8 to 64 hexadecimal characters; e.g., 1234567890. They can include any
ASCII character from 32-126 decimal.
Default: 1234567890
#WPA2PSKKEY Keys for WPA2 PSK Security Mode
Description: Sets keys for WPA2 PSK security mode.
Syntax: AT# WPA2PSKKEYn ="<value>" n=1-4
AT# WPA2PSKKEYn? Read or display the current setting.
Values: ASCII text string of 8 to 64 hexadecimal characters; e.g., 1234567890. They can include any
ASCII character from 32-126 decimal.
Default: 1234567890
#WEPKEYID Set the Default TX Key Index
Description: Sets the default Transmission Key used for data encryption in WEP.
Note: The module must be reset to put the command into effect.
Syntax: AT#WEPKEYID=<value>
Values: 1 – 4
Default Value: 1
Example: AT#WEP?
#WLANPOWERSAVE Enable Power Save at Boot
Description: This command sets the Power Save at the Boot Works after the Power Cycle.
Syntax: AT#WLANPOWERSAVE=<value>
Values: 0 - Power Save Disabled
1 - Power Save Enabled
Default: 0