Multi-Tech Systems iCell GPRS (MTSMC-G2-IP Wireless Office Headset User Manual

Part 3 AT Commands for Wi-Fi Devices Chapter 10 – IP AT Commands for the SocketWireless Wi-Fi
Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide (Document S000457K) 59
#IPRELEASE Release a DHCP Address Assigned by the Server
Description: In order to gracefully release a DHCP address assigned by the server, the module should issue a
command of DHCPRELEASE.
Response: AT#IPRELEASE returns OK
#IPRENEW Renew the DHCP Information from the Server
Description: The DHCP client can renew the DHCP information from the server. On completion of lease time,
the DHCP client will automatically renew the DHCP information. Before that, if the client wants to
renew the information, it can use this command.
Response: AT#IPRENEW returns OK
#IPQUERY Give a Domain Name
Description: Sends a query to the DNS server to resolve the name
Syntax: AT#IPQUERY=<Host Name>
Response: OK
Values: Host name in alpha-numeric string format. Example: No default.
#IPRESOLV Is There a Connection with DNS or Not
Description: If the DNS client is successful in resolving the host name, this command shows the IP address of
the resolved host name. If the DNS client fails to resolve, it shows error message.
Syntax: AT#IPRESOLV=<Host Name>
Values: Host name in alpha-numeric string format. No default.
S0=Automatic Answer
Description: Sets automatic answering of TCP or UDP connections.
Syntax: ATS0=
Values: 0 - Manually answer
1 - Automatically answer
No default.