Multi-Tech Systems iCell GPRS (MTSMC-G2-IP Wireless Office Headset User Manual

Part 2 AT Commands for the SocketEthernet IP Chapter 8 – General AT Commands for SocketEthernet IP
Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide (Document S000457K) 53
#VIP View Address Settings
Description: Displays the address settings.
Notes: This command displays the programmed IP settings. To see IP settings in use, including
DHCP parameters, use the #ETHIFSTATUS command.
Also, this command shows valid results only when DHCP is OFF. Otherwise, it displays the
default or stored values.
Syntax: AT#VIP
Values: None
Example: The order and content is as follows:
DHCP (Enable/Disable)
IP address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Speed setting (see #EMACSPD command)
MAC address