Multi-Tech Systems iCell GPRS (MTSMC-G2-IP Wireless Office Headset User Manual

Part 4 AT Commands for the SocketModem iCell, SocketModem IP, and MultiModem iCell Chapter 14
Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide (Document S000457K) 78
#ATCMDCustomize Dial-Up Commands
Description: This command allows the user to customize AT commands on dial up.
Syntax: AT#ATCMD=id,"Valid AT command"
id: Enter a Profile Setting: 0, 1, 2, 3 {0,1,2,3}
Values: Set the valid AT command (Do not include AT or issue &F, as the command will error)
Defaults: For Analog Devices: 0, "-STE=1"
1, "+MS=V34"
2, ".."
3, ".."
For All Other Devices: 0, ".."
1, ".."
2, ".."
3, ".."
#REDIALCOUNTSet Connection Attempts Allowed
Description: This parameter indicates how many unsuccessful connection attempts the TCP/IP stack software
will make before terminating the connection attempt activity.
Syntax: AT#REDIALCOUNT=<value>
AT#REDIALCOUNT? Read or display the current setting (or AT#VPHY, AT#VALL).
Values: Integer between 0 and 14, inclusive.
If the value is set to 0, the TCP/IP stack software will not make any call retry.
Default: 5
#REDIALDELAYSet Call Retry Delay
Description: This parameter controls the delay (in seconds), if any, that will exist between each call retry.
Syntax: AT#REDIALDELAY=<value>
AT#REDIALDELAY? Read or display the current setting (or AT#VPHY, AT#VALL).
Values: Integers 0 and 514 inclusive.
If this parameter is configured to zero, the TCP/IP stack software will attempt another connection
immediately after terminating the previous unsuccessful attempt.
Default: 5
#PHYTIMEOUTSet Inactivity Time
Description: This parameter is used by the TCP/IP stack software in order to terminate connections to the
telephone line when a long period elapses without activity. “Without activity” is defined as a
period when no data is transferred between the Internet and the TCP/IP stack software or
between the TCP/IP stack software and the attached equipment. This timer prevents the
telephone line from being connected indefinitely for any reason.
Note: When the inactivity timer expires, the modem ends the communication.
Syntax: AT#PHYTIMEOUT=<value>
AT#PHYTIMEOUT? Read or display the current setting (or AT#VPHY, AT#VALL).
Values: Integer between 1 and 255 inclusive. This timer is set in minutes.
Default: 15
Return Codes: TIMEOUT: The inactivity timer is reached; the modem ends the communication.