MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Call-Handling Scenarios
Page 2-29Network Configuration Scenarios
Intersystem Calling 2
This topic illustrates how different types of calls are made and received in
Scenario 1, using the extension numbers and extension equipment types shown
in Figure 2–1
. Table 2–5, page 2-30 enumerates some sample calls, showing how
they are displayed at different recipients’ extensions within the private network. As
you review this information, notice the following features:
■ Because the private tandem trunks are PRI, the systems display calling
name, calling extension number, or both for arriving non-local dial plan
calls. The display varies according to the display preference programming
for the MLX extension. Contrast this display with those in Scenario 2, Ta b le
2–12, page 2-55.
■ Wherever a person is in the private network, he or she dials another private
network user the same way regardless of location.
■ Manually transferred calls within the private network display in the same
way as direct calls between extensions. The originating extension
information is shown, with no indication that the call is a transfer.
■ Both outside callers and callers within the private network hear Music On
Hold when their calls are transferred to a non-local extension.
■ PassageWay client screen displays vary depending upon the PassageWay
implementation. Therefore, the table shows the information that the system
send to the CTI-linked application; if an MLX-20L
, for example, were
a display telephone receiving the call, the display would appear as shown
in the table.
■ For centralized VMS/AA, call information signals are sent with the call from
the remote system over the PRI tandem trunk so that the centralized
VMS/AA can distinguish between inside and outside calls. Message
Waiting light updates are sent over the PRI signalling D-channel from the
central site to the remote system so there is no need to compete with voice
calls for updates.