MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Call-Handling Scenarios
Page 2-92Network Configuration Scenarios
Table 2–23. UDP Extension Ranges: Scenario 5
* The information in this column does not reflect actual DEFINITY ECS or DEFINITY
ProLogix Solutions system programming. It only shows the result of that programming from
a MERLIN LEGEND Communications System perspective.
System A Local Dial Plan:
54400–54499; 55200–55260*
System O Local Dial Plan:
1600–1699; 1800–1899
System N Local Dial Plan:
4400–4599; 4600–4699
Calling Groups: 4400
(PassageWay clients) and 4500
(MLX extensions only)
Extension Range: 4401–4599
Voice and data, no restrictions
Extension Range: 5440–5449
Pattern: 01
Route 01
Pool=70, FRL=0, Voice, no digit
prepending or deletion
Extension Range: 5440–5449
Pattern: 01
Route 01
Pool=8200, FRL=0, Both, no
digit prepending or deletion
Extension Range: 4400–4400
Restricted from use by people
on the local system
Extension Range: 5520–5526
Pattern: 02
Route 01
Pool=70, FRL=3, Data, no digit
prepending or deletion
Extension Range: 5520–5526
Pattern: 02
Route 01
Pool=8300, FRL=3, Data, no
digit prepending or deletion
Extension Range: 4600–4699
Data only, restricted to video and
data users
Extension Range: 4401–4599
Pattern: 03
Route 01
Pool=70, FRL=0, Both
Extension Range: 1600–1699
Pattern: 01
Route 01
Pool=8400, FRL=0, Both
Extension Range: 1600–1699
Voice and data, no restrictions
Extension Range: 1800–1899
Data only, restricted to video and
data users