Touch-Tone Receiver Requirements
Page D-1System Requirements for Touch-Tone Receivers
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Tou ch -To ne Re ce iv er
Requirements D
This appendix includes information to aid in determining Touch-Tone Receiver
requirements for private network systems.
System Requirements for Touch-Tone
Receivers 4
A voice messaging system requires a certain number of TTRs in addition to any
system requirements for TTRs. The number of TTRs depends on the number of
ports used by the voice messaging system (see Table D–1
). TTRs are also
required in private networks using E&M, T1 tie, and tandem tie trunks.
In Release 6.0 and later systems, the use of the Prompt-Based Overflow setting,
which allows callers to request overflow coverage while waiting in a calling group
queue, requires TTRs for primary and secondary delay announcement devices
that present the option to callers.