MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Feature Interactions
Page 3-2Allowed/Disallowed Lists
Allowed/Disallowed Lists 3
The system manager helps prevent toll fraud by assigning a Disallowed List to the
default COR for tie and/or non-tie trunks (the factory Disallowed List 7 is
recommended). The Disallowed List should be programmed to include 900,976,
and other types of calls that the user should not be allowed to call. When a call is
routed from one system to another in a private network, the called system
processes the call without a barrier code and consults the Disallowed List in order
to permit or forbid the call. A Disallowed List can be used in this way to restrict
calls that originate from another system in the private network.
Allowed and Disallowed Lists are ignored by the local system when placing
private network Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) calls to an extension in a non-local dial
Authorization Code 3
The Authorization code feature allows a user to pick up another user’s telephone,
enter his or her authorization code, and complete a call with the restrictions that
apply to the user’s own telephone (home extension). For private network calls, the
user’s home extension FRL is used to allow or disallow the call. The Authorization
code feature can only be activated from an extension on the same system as the
user’s home extension.
Auto Answer All 3
A user with an analog multiline telephone can activate Auto Answer All to allow
private network calls to be answered by a device connected to a General Purpose
Adaptor (GPA).
Auto Answer Intercom 3
Auto Answer Intercom (analog multiline telephones only) does not work for private
network calls. When a receiver with an analog multi-line wants private network
calls to be answered by a device it must be connected to a GPA.
Auto Dial 3
Non-local extension numbers can be programmed on outside Auto Dial buttons
but not on inside Auto Dial buttons.