Symbol Technologies PDT 8000 Series PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Customizing Your Terminal
Since the registry is re-created on every hard reset from the default ROM image, the
RegMerge driver is necessary to make registry modifications persistent over hard resets.
Regmerge is configured to look in two specific folders for .reg files in the following order:
Regmerge continues to look for .reg files in these folders until all folders are checked. This
allows folders later in the list to override folders earlier in the list. This way, it is possible to
override Registry changes made by the Platforms partitions folders. Take care when using
Regmerge to make Registry changes. The SDK contains examples of .reg files.
Note:Regmerge only merges the .reg files on hard resets. The merge
process is skipped during a soft reset.
Typically, you should not need to make modifications to registry values for drivers loaded
before Regmerge. However, sometimes during software development, you may need to
modify these values. Since these early loading drivers read these keys before Regmerge
gets a chance to change them, you must soft reset the terminal after a hard reset. The soft
reset does not re-initialize the registry, and the early loading driver reads the new registry
Do not use Regmerge to modify built-in driver registry values, or merge the same Registry
value to two files in the same folder, as the results are undefined.
CopyFile copies files from one folder to another on a hard reset. Files can be copied from
a non-volatile partition (Application or Platform) to the Windows or other volatile partition
during a hard reset. During a hard reset CopyFile looks for files with a .CPY extension on
the FFS partition. These files are text files containing the source and destination for the
desired files to be copied separated by “>”.