PDT 8000 Series Product Reference Guide
Creating the Script for the Hex Image
On start-up, TCM displays the screen shown on page 11-4, with the Script1 window and
File Explorer window.
The Script1 Window directory pane displays three volumes: Volume1, Volume2, and
Volume3. Depending on the type of flash chip you have, the number of volumes may
change. Files can be added to each of the volumes. With TCM, you can:
• Create a new script file or open an existing script
• Drag and drop existing files and directories to that script
• Save the script.
Each process is described in the sections that follow.
Open a New or Existing Script
Scripts are created in the Script Window. To open a new script:
• From the File menu, choose New, OR
• Click on from the tool bar.
To open an existing script (e.g., a standard script provided in the SDK):
• From the File menu, choose Open. Navigate to the Symbol Windows CE
SDK(PDT8000)\SymbolPlatforms\PDT80xx\TCMScripts directory and select the
script file name, OR
• Click on from the toolbar. Navigate to the Symbol Windows CE
SDK(PDT8000)\SymbolPlatforms\PDT80xx\TCMScripts directory and select the
script file name, OR
• Double click on an existing script in the Script Browser window.
Copy Components to the Script
To copy files or directories to the script being generated:
1. Click on the File Explorer Window to make it the active window.
2. Click on the source directory in the Directory Tree Pane. TCM displays the directory
contents in the Contents Pane.