Quick Reference
A message ap-
pears stating that
your terminal’s
memory is full.
Too many files
stored on the termi-
Delete unused memos and records.
You can save these records on your
Memory allocation
too low.
Adjust the memory allocation. Select
Start, then Settings, and select the
System tab. Tap Memory and adjust
the slider.
Too many applica-
tions installed on the
If you have installed additional appli-
cations on your terminal, remove them
to recover memory. Select Start, then
Settings, and select the System tab.
Tap Remove Programs, select the
unused program and tap Remove.
Fail to communi-
cate with IrDA
Distance from print-
er is between 5 inch-
es and 39 inches.
Bring the terminal closer to the printer
or move it further away and attempt
communications again.
Obstruction inter-
fered with communi-
Check the path to ensure no objects
were in the way.
Application is not
enabled to run IrDA
Printer support must be included with
the application to run IrDA printing on
the terminal. See your System Admin-
When receiving
beamed data an
out of memory
message ap-
Not enough free
memory available
for receiving data.
Your terminal requires at least twice
the amount of memory available as
the data you are receiving. For exam-
ple, if you are receiving a 30K applica-
tion, you must have at least 60K free.
Beamed data
does not transmit.
Terminals too close
together or too far
Confirm that the terminals are at least
5 inches and at most 39 inches apart.
Also ensure that there is a clear path
between the two devices.
Insufficient room
Adjust the room lighting or move to a
different location.
Problem Cause Solution