Symbol Technologies PDT 8000 Series PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Configuring the Terminal
TCM Error Messages
TCM validates the cells in your partition table when you select the Execute button. Cells
highlighted in red contain an error. Partition loading is disabled until all errors are corrected.
Following are errors that TCM may encounter, and possible solutions.
Creating and Loading a Splash Screen
To generate a custom splash screen, use a bitmap editor, such as Paintbrush.
1. Create a 256-color bitmap with dimensions of BX x BY where:
BX is less than or equal to 240 pixels
BY is less than or equal to 320 pixels
2. Be sure to create the file with 256 colors. IPL will not load if the the file is not created
3. After designing the splash screen, rotate the bitmap 90 degrees clockwise.
4. Save the file as a 256-color bitmap.
5. Use TCM to convert the bitmap image file to a hex file (see Building the Image on
page 11-10).
Error Description
Error - Partition Size The size of a partition must be an integral multiple of the
FFSSectorSizeInBytes specified by the .ini file. When the user enters a
partition size, TCM rounds up to the next highest integral multiple of the
sector size and displays this value in the partition table grid. This error
check is made upon value entry, independent of the Execute button.
Error - Image Larger than
If the required size of the binary image file is larger than the associated
partition size, the Partition Size cell in the partition grid turns red to
highlight the error. The Required Size cell indicates the actual size
Error - Total size of all
FFS Partition
If the total memory allocated to the 3 FFS partitions is greater than the
total Flash Memory on the terminal, the Used FFS Memory display box
turns red. Decrease the size of one or more of the partitions, then
recheck the configuration using the Execute button.
Error - Source/
Destination Path
If the directory paths specified by the Source and Destination cells do
not exist, the cell containing the non-existent path turns red to highlight
the error.