Symbol Technologies PDT 8000 Series PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Tapping the screen buttons or
icons does not activate the
corresponding feature.
Align the screen. Choose Screen from the System tab under Start -
Settings or press Shift + 2.
Rechargeable lithium-ion
battery did not charge.
Replace battery. If your terminal still does not operate, try a soft
reset, then a hard reset (see Resetting Your PDT 8000 Terminal on
page 2-24).
Charge the terminal. See Charging the Terminal Battery on page 1-
8 for instructions. Verify that the terminal is charging (see Charge
LED Indicator on page 1-16). The lithium-ion battery requires up to
fours hours to recharge fully
A message appears stating
that your terminal memory is
Delete unused memos and records. If necessary, you can save
these records on your host computer.
If you are copying files to your terminal, adjust the memory
allocation. Tap Start - Settings, and select the System tab. Tap
Memory and adjust the slider.
Remove programs you no longer use. Tap Start - Settings, and
select the System tab. Tap Remove Programs, select the unused
program and tap Remove.
Terminal is not
communicating with the host
Ensure your serial connection is setup correctly.
Verify that the terminal and host computer are communicating at the
same baud rate.
Consult ActiveSync Help on your host computer.
During data communication,
no data was transmitted, or
transmitted data was
Ensure your serial connection is setup correctly.
See your System Administrator.
Table 12-1. Troubleshooting (continued)
Problem Possible Solution