Subscriber’s Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Voice Processing System KX-TVA50/KX-
TVA200. We are confident that this product will provide you with many years of
dependable service.
This Subscriber's Manual is designed to help you configure your mailbox, use common
voice mail features, and introduce you to the many advanced features that will improve
your productivity in countless ways.
The Structure of This Manual
This manual contains the following sections:
Section 1 Introduction to the VPS
This section provides you with a brief overview of what the VPS is and what it can
help you do.
Section 2 Logging in to and Configuring Your Mailbox
This section will show you how to log in to your VPS mailbox and customize your
mailbox to suit your needs.
Section 3 Message Playback and Related Features
This section will help you play back messages left in your mailbox and use other
features related to message playback.
Section 4 Sending Messages
This section will show you how to send messages to other people in your office and
to outside parties.
Section 5 Other Features
This section will introduce you to the many advanced features offered by the VPS.
Panasonic World Wide Web Address: http://www.panasonic.com
for customers in the United States or Puerto Rico.