Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 189
CHAPTER 9 Viewing Photos and Videos
Viewing and editing photo or video details
4 Tap anywhere in the photo to return to the Thumbnail or List View.
1 Go to Favorites and select Photos & Videos .
2 Select the pick list in the upper-right corner and select the location on your
handheld or an expansion card of the photo or video you want to view:
• If the photo or video is in the Photos & Videos folder on your handheld’s
internal drive or on an expansion card, select the correct location from the list.
• If the photo or video is located elsewhere on your handheld’s internal drive,
select Find More and browse to the item.
3 Select the photo or video whose details you want to view.
You can also view details
for an entire album—
including last date
changed, number of
items in the album, and
size—by opening the
Album menu and
selecting Album Details.