Nortel Networks MOG6xx IP Phone User Manual

18 Preface
N0008588 1.0
Symbols used in this guide
This guide uses symbols to draw your attention to important information. The following symbols
appear in this guide:
Text conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions:
Caution: Caution Symbol
Alerts you to conditions where you can damage the equipment.
Danger: Electrical Shock Hazard Symbol
Alerts you to conditions where you can get an electrical shock.
Warning: Warning Symbol
Alerts you to conditions where you can cause the system to fail or work improperly.
Note: Note Symbol
A Note alerts you to important information.
Tip: Tip Symbol
Alerts you to additional information that can help you perform a task.
Security Note: This symbol indicates a point of system security where a default should
be changed, or where the administrator needs to make a decision about the level of
security required for the system.
angle brackets (< >) Indicates that you choose the text to enter based on the description
inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the
Example: If the command syntax is:
you enter: ping
bold Courier text
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Use the
dinfo command.
Example: Enter
show ip {alerts|routes}.
italic text Indicates book titles