Issue 1 April 1997 91
Feature Descriptions
There are several advantages in using the integrated link through the server:
■ The solution is more reliable; with one less physical connection, there is
less chance for loss of data because of faulty hardware.
■ If the server-to-INTUITY link is down but the server-to-PMS link is up, the
server maintains a buffer that contains the 100 most-recent PMS transac-
tions, and updates the Lucent INTUITY as soon as the server-to-INTU-
ITY link is back up.
■ The solution is less expensive because you use one less port on the
PMS and the Lucent INTUITY in addition to the cables used to make the
■ The PMS vendors do not need to write new code to support the message
set between the PMS and the Lucent INTUITY; they can use the existing
message set that communicates with the server.
Using this new link, the following administrative messages used for guest room
mailbox activation/deactivation are sent between the PMS and the Lucent
INTUITY through the server. These messages are documented in the
INTUITY™ Lodging Property Management System Specifications
■ Check-In
■ Check-Out
■ Room Data Image (Database Synchronization)
■ Modify (Guest Information)
■ Add/Remove Text/FAX Notification Message (Message Waiting)
■ Transfer/Merge Mailbox (Room Change/Swap).