Issue 1 April 1997 45
Feature Descriptions
Dial by Name 0
The Dial by Name feature allows you to “dial” someone by entering their name
from your touch-tone keypad. This feature is accessible by using the Direct
Access Calling feature and the integrated announcement circuit pack (TN750C)
to create an “auto-attendant” procedure where one of the options allows callers
to enter a person’s name instead of their extension number. The system pro-
cesses the name characters received, and, when a match is found, the number
is dialed automatically.
A typical scenario might go like this:
■ When a call comes in to the system (usually to a Listed Directory Num-
ber), a Direct Access Calling procedure routes the call to an announce-
ment that says, “Hello. You have reached A1 Hotel. Please press 1 for the
operator, press 2 to reach a guest or employee, or press 3 for the reser-
vation desk.”
■ When the caller selects 2, the caller then hears, “If you know the person’s
extension, press 1. If you know their name, press 2.”
■ If the caller does not know the person’s extension number, the caller can
opt to enter the person’s name instead. The caller would press 2.
■ The caller is then instructed to enter the person’s name.
■ As soon as a match is found, the call is placed to that person.
The database for the names used in this feature comes from names entered
into a management terminal or from names entered into a property
management system (PMS) terminal, which are then communicated to the
DEFINITY system during a database update.